
Training-Upper: starved n sick


BW: 116

I live in a house of a 1000 plagues…this will be the 4th time I’ve been sick since November! They say there are 4 different strains of this flu,so I think I’ve reached my quota…if not I’m setting this house of poison n disease to flame, or I’m selling the kids. I also ran out of protein which meant I had to actually eat food this morning-the thought of a chicken breast at 6 a.m.. disgusts me but it was either that or nothing.  By the time I actually trained all I had in my stomach was an augmenton (thanks Bren for the drugs) and BCAA’S (these disgust me too) apparently the only thing I like are tic tacs of which I had NONE. 


1 ct pause Bench @8RPE

Bar x 15

95 x 8

135 x 6

145 x 5 x 3 sets
Incline BB Close Grip x6 @9 RPE

95 x 6

105 x 6

115 x 6

135 x 3 (stupid jump) 115 felt light and not a 9 rpe so I figured 135 would be some easy shit…I mean I drank all my BCAA’s!! Obviously not easy if I was supposed to do 6 and only got 3..eh I’m sick and not thinking straight. 

Decided to drop back more than 5% since I kinda exhausted myself from the last set-115 x 6

band press downs (forgot my bands so went with cable)

60 x 30 x 2 sets

60 x 20 x 2 sets

Plate raises

25lbs x12x 3 sets

Bent over rows w/barbell

95x 12



straight arm Pull downs


Then I did Abs…nothing exciting or inventive here so use your imagination. 

This is the culprit that got me sick this time…not even fair she should look so pretty while being ill….

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