The Platform VS. The Stage-Let the battle begin!

Power lifting versus bodybuilding; talk to die hards on both sides and a battle of “which is better” breaks out; much like west coast vs. east coast (okay maybe not that dramatic but I just LOVE drama). You may or may not know I competed in a physique competition this past weekend. Most likely you didn’t have a clue because quite honestly I was a bit embarrassed to tell anyone. Yes, I competed before when I was a teenager, but, that was years ago, when I was young and didn’t care, I mean if you don’t look good in a bikini at 19 something is wrong! I think the reason it’s despised so much is because people view it as a very narcissistic hobby. You tan, you train, you diet, you pose in the mirror..yes it’s all about YOU. You carb load, carb deplete, cut your water there are even those that diet so extremely that their personality even changes and not for the better.

So why did I do it???

In a nutshell, I gave my word that I’d do the show; I’m also getting ready for Raw Nationals in August so I figured it couldn’t hurt to clean up my diet and attempt to drop down a weight class for that meet. However, I wasn’t going to change my training, do 2 hours of cardio a day, spend a fortune on a blinged out suit or carb and water deplete. I’d let the chips fall where they may and hope I didn’t look like total crap when I got out there. Admittedly, I was nervous as hell when I stepped on that stage. It honestly takes a lot of balls to walk on a stage with a crowd full of people in a bikini and ask to be judged. Crowds can be mean (and yes you can hear when ppl are shouting at you) and while your lined up with all the other competitors being sized up, it rattles the nerves. Add to that, in physique you have to do a 60 second posing routine ….great now I get to not only go on stage in a bikini but now I also get to shake my ass (why did I not get paid to do this??) LOL

I took 3rd out of 7-not bad- and my son did say I was the prettiest so I guess that means I won to him-Love!

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and the routine…don’t laugh-suit wasn’t custom fitted…too small and up my ass!

In my experience I feel like the competitors at powerlifting meets are MUCH nicer. They help you when you need it and they actually talk to you. At BB events there seems to be a lot more cattiness and the competitors are very unapproachable. Maybe they are just in the “zone” and hungry and thirsty who knows, but I didn’t like it. At PL meets it’s pretty cut and dry, you either pick up the weight or you don’t. While, BB meets are very subjective, I mean all things being equal who wins? Yes there are guidelines they have to follow but what is too muscular for one judge may be deemed beautiful to the next. Like my momma says there is a seat for every ass…..better believe it!

I don’t take anything away from those that choose to go the bodybuilding route over PL. It takes a tremendous amount of discipline to do the diet, the cardio and still train while being depleted, some of these guys and girls are lean as shit and it’s impressive as hell. Also don’t get it twisted there are a ton of bodybuilders that are strong as hell, Ronnie Coleman, Jhonnie Jackson etc… to name a few. Personally, I want the best of both worlds, be in shape AND be strong, nothing worse than a fatass powerlifter with no neck and a barrel for a stomach. They should all look like Stan Efferding (FYI-he’s also a pro bodybuilder)!

I will stick with powerlifting, however, I can’t say if I will or won’t do another BB show. I’ve learned to never say never. But what I can say is…..

West side is the BEST side!

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