Chasing the 315lb Squat (Video)

I have certain numbers in mind as I prepare for Raw Nationals in August. One of those goals is to get that elusive 315lb squat. Oddly enough, a few years back I could do this for 3 reps with no spotter. Then one fateful day I dropped the weight outside of a rack and mentally I couldn’t get back under it. I mainly just wanted to get under the weight again-I knew I couldn’t push it up without a spotter-295 felt like a ton of bricks-but I had told myself earlier in the day that I would just do it. It actually didn’t feel that bad, I get stuck at the bottom, of course, so I need a slight bump. I know I have the strength to push it up, I just need to get the confidence back to do it. I felt no pulling on my quads or knees (I don’t use wraps or sleeves) so that’s always a good sign. 315 YOU WILL BE MINE once again.


135lb-10 reps
135lb-8 reps
185lb-6 reps
225lb-4 reps
275lb-3 reps
295lb-3 reps
3156-2 reps

Front Squat:

135 lb-6 reps -3 sets


135 lbs-12 reps-3 sets

Leg extensions:

70lbs-12 reps-3 sets

Leg curls:

60lb-10 reps-3 sets

calf raises: (hate calfs-mine suck)

120lbs-12reps-4 sets

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