
Benching & weighted Dips for reps-VIDEO

REPS…What the hell was I thinking!

I can honestly say training heavy is a ton easier! Think I’d rather do one rep of heavy weight than 15 reps of anything…chest is sore to say the least. Thanks to my twitter homie Nicola for the request and the day after soreness. Think you owe me a massage now!!

warm-up- Bar

50lb Incline DB Press/super-set with 12 reps of push-ups for 3 rounds

weighted Dips
45 lb plate x12 reps 3 sets (by set 2 and 3 12 reps went to 8)!


60lbs 12 reps for 3 sets

I was pretty much spent after this so I called it a day…still hate high rep stuff-but it was a good change.

Oh almost forgot I ended with two sets of pathetic bodyweight pull-ups…..obviously not worth mention!

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