11/19/11 So Cal Regional PL Meet Re-Cap (VIDEO)

So I obviously got bit by the competition bug, not to mention, that after my first meet I was a little disappointed in my numbers, mainly cause I’ve done much heavier weight in the gym and I made some mistakes that didn’t help either (click here if you wanna read about it). This time around I knew what to expect do here is a quick recap:


I didn’t have to drop any weight. I compete in the 114lb class and I maintained my weight since the last meet fluctuating between 110lbs and 114lbs. I weighed in at the meet at 51 kilos (112 lbs). This was a huge stress reliever knowing you are fine and having the ability to eat regularly without cutting anything out.

Food –

Last meet I had no food. I thought I was going to die-this time around I packed food for the entire day. Life is so much easier when your stomach isn’t yelling at you and you don’t feel like killing people and eating their flesh-LOL


This time my daughter really wanted to go with me. I was really apprehensive about taking her. These meets are LOOOOOOONG. I mean I don’t even want to stick around after I’m done lifting. My daughter was simply amazing the entire day (well until the end waiting for the awards-my big moment to get my trophy and deliver an awesome curtsey and bow she decides to have her melt down). But, I have to say there’s no better feeling than seeing your 7 yr old daughter cheering you on from the audience. Yea- she doesn’t have an overweight mom that is boring-maybe she won’t be embarrassed by me in those Junior High years (fingers crossed)!

Lift Attempts-

Made all 9 of my lift attempts without red lighting any and I got best lifter award! Looking back in retrospect I should’ve gone balls out on the third attempts for the squat and bench, but I suppose there is always next meet:

Squat- 102.5, 107.5 112.5 (these are in kilos-yea I hate it too-just gimme damn pounds)!
Bench-60, 65, 70 (again kilos)
Deadlift- 140, 152.5, 155 -my hand started to tear on the 2nd lift –so when you see the video (which I just cut to the 3rd attempts) my face looks like it has gone into shock because I felt my hand completely tear open add to that this was the most weight I have ever done it was some heavy ass weight for me—laugh every time I see it-funny shit. Super proud cause I beat the American Record!
Total Wilkes = 426.431


I have met some amazing people on twitter. Thankfully they also happen to lift and are able to dole out great advice. Thank You Jay Ashman and Larry Brown for not sugar coating shit and telling a girl what they wanna hear (although those comments are appreciated as well 🙂 ). Both have told me that I hang out too long at the bottom of the DL before the pull. This is a really bad habit that I will work on breaking. Also, that I need to work on the arch while I bench, for some reason, when I arch my hamstrings cramp so bad that I cannot even complete the lift. Technique stuff that I suck at, that I will need to work on if I want to do bigger lifts. Jay, also suggested that I widen my stance while I squat. Will definitely heed this advice and start correcting these issues before the next meet. Think I am looking towards Raw Nationals next year so I can hopefully qualify for the Arnold and break some more PR’s!

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